postive referrals

This year we have started utilizing Positive Office Referrals at Apollo. Staff have been encouraged to recognize students who are showing the Capturing Kids' Hearts Character Traits on a regular basis. This may include being Kind and helping a friend up when they fall down, being Responsible and picking up trash found on the ground, or being Respectful by including others in a group activity. Our goals with Positive Office Referrals is 1) to encourage & reward students for showing the CKH traits, 2) to shift the perspective that the Principal's Office can be a fun and exciting place to go to. and 3) when parents/guardians get a call from school, it can be for GOOD things!

We have set a BIG Goal of recognizing 150 students this year with Positive Office Referrals. As of mid-September, we have already had 50(!). When a student comes to see me for a Positive Office Referral, we have a big celebration in my office. This starts with a positive phone call home to a preferred parent/guardian. We have had so many excited family members, and the students always have big smiles and so much pride when they get to share the good news. When we finish the phone call, we take a "Selfie" that is shown every Monday during Rise and Shine. The students then get an item from the "Treasure Basket", and we finish with pulling a stick from our Giant Kerplunk. When students pull a stick from our Giant Kerplunk, they have an opportunity to earn a reward for their WHOLE class which could be an extra recess, popsicles at lunch, or other fun options.

Our Positive Office Referrals have been a fun initiative to start the year. We are excited to continue making positive phone calls home and sharing lots of good news!